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Ideas Competition - Expansion of the Andorran School  in Santa Coloma

Holder; Government of Andorra
Year; 2017

2nd prize in the Ideas Contest.


Project carried out with

Jacint Gil Rodríguez (GIL architecture)


The expansion project of the Andorran school in Santa Coloma was born sharing objectives with the Andorran Education System wanting to besustainable, healthy, democratic and innovative.


You have actions in the current building and it is also a second skin, an extension that you are looking forenergize spaces and facilitate circulation.


For the project teamconnectionfunctional and visual between the different built volumes and thetransparencyand the maximumlightingnatural in the work spaces - classrooms, support spaces, plastic activities, laboratory - were immediate responses. We want a transparent and dynamic school with meeting points that allow the relationship between students, a moment of rest. The best thing about these spaces attached to the steps and of interconnection is their function of creating ties in themrelationshipspersonal, place ofhealthy restfor students


The extension hascirculationsdynamic and static, while also spaces of exchange looking for the idea of transmission ofknowledge and relationshipshuman It is a concept that wants to innovate by giving impetus to play and dialogue as a resource in education. To multiply the effect, covered outdoor patios promote this idea.


Inground floorand in the urbanization aspect, one is wanted in the southern area of access to the centeroutdoor square, with vegetation, furniture, games and seats that articulate the space as a meeting place and core of initial relationships. A place ofcoexistence, a healthy space.


The intervention of the architects has been mostly dry. taking advantage of new technologies and innovation, it is intended to work with removable parts where appropriate. With the newmetal structureit's possibleprefabricate and assemblein an attached place, place it in the specific periods defined in the work plan and so onaffect the leastto the normal operation of the center. Lighter, faster and more efficient elements in the complexphased constructionof the extension.


theclassrooms with direct natural lightingthey have their own space, with their wardrobes, necessary furniture and in some cases special facilities for their proper functioning. Thesehealthy spacesand their more or less dynamic needs are organized and characterize the facade, which adds individuality.


The interior carpentry and theclosuresolid panels with treated wood finish and zinc exterior givewarmth, protectin facade and womandynamismas a whole In addition, it follows the general criterion of assembling the prefabricated material  in periods of non-activity of the center or without affecting its activity.


Thecourtyardson the roof they have a configuration that allows rest and games and that provide areas of protection from the sun or precipitation.


The upper deck over part of the new courtyard, classrooms and stairs is oneplant cover, with its environmental advantage andsustainable, whileinnovatealso making it integrate in the facade with the partial descent in the area of the North entrance.


The new extension is a performance that wants to have a warm and modern character, at the same timeintegrates and adaptswith the entire pre-existing building with an enriching dialogue. The reform and the new facade of the school tells us: thatthe center is one and at the same time the sum of many.


©2023 Pau Iglesias, Arquitectes | | +376 339760 - 818450 | Camí dels Plans 90, AD400 La Massana

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