Energy label

To make your label we need:
Visit the real estate unit subject to the label.
All bills for energy expenses associated with the real estate unit:
Expenses for diesel, gas, biomass, etc.
What is it for?
To inform and protect users, because:
It improves transparency in the real estate market in terms of energy efficiency and thus promotes the rational use of energy for any use in buildings.
It favors decision-making because it regulates the information that users receive about the energy rating and consumption in the building.
What information does it give?
The energy rating gives a letter that allows to classify the energy efficiency of a building or a real estate unit, and also informs the approximate annual energy cost of the property.
It ranks between one and one energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions.
It gives the annual energy consumption and an order of magnitude of the expenses associated with this consumption.
Report on the annual production of renewable energy, if applicable.
Recommends rehabilitation measures to improve the building's energy efficiency.
When is it needed?
For new-floor buildings, the energy rating is drawn up at the end of the works.
For existing buildings:
From January 1, 2020 for any sale (or onerous transfer of property) of a property.
From January 1, 2023 for any lease of a property.
What is its expiration date?
The validity of the qualification of energy efficiency in the building is ten years from the moment it has been registered with the Administration.
In the event that works or modifications are carried out that affect production or energy consumption significantly, or if the use of the building is changed, the qualification will need to be renewed.
Where can I check the energy rating of a building or unit?
The Register of energy efficiency ratings in buildings is public and accessible to interested parties at the Office of Energy and Climate Change.
What can I do if I have lost the energy rating of my property?
In case of loss of the energy rating, the property owner can request a copy from the Public Administration.
Through the Government's telematic tool that allows the preparation and registration of energy ratings, the authorized technician who prepared the energy rating will always have access to it and will be able to retrieve it automatically.
Can I demand the energy rating?
The energy rating should help us make a decision when purchasing real estate or renting a home, so when we inquire about its characteristics we can demand this information:
From January 1, 2020 in the case of a sale (or onerous transfer) of a property. In the case of newly built properties, the energy rating is drawn up at the end of the works.
From January 1, 2023 in the case of renting a home.
When and what documentation should I be given?
At the time of formalizing the sale (or onerous transfer) of the property, the property must deliver the energy rating in the building registered to the Public Administration and valid.
At the time of formalizing the housing lease, from January 1, 2023, the property must make available to the tenant a copy of the building's energy rating, registered in the 'Public and current administration.
What interpretation should I make of the information contained in the energy rating?
The energy rating is a tool to improve the information and transparency of the real estate stock. It allows different properties to be standardized and compared. Therefore, the energy rating provides indicative information according to common premises in the use of the property.