Ideas Competition - National Automobile Museum

Holder; Government of Andorra
Year; 2018
5th ideas competition prize.
Project carried out with
Jacint Gil Rodríguez (GIL architecture)
The conception of the project comes from the constraints of the program of the car museum and the parameters of the area and the location. In a global overview of the starting points, other more specific ones were configured.
The creation of alight well, illuminates the underground plants and a ramp around it creates arouteand some very interesting views of the interiors.
In theaccessesin the building, the natural unevenness of the land has been used to create two different levels or levels of access to the building.
- Lower level of main entrance to the museum.
- Nivell superior entrada a la sala d'actes ia la part _cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ of the independent communal building.
Outdoor spaces are used to createenvironments of interrelationin the form of a public square.
At the same time that the building follows the programmatic and environmental requirements, it also seeks an imagemodern and harmonious. The scale and fragmentation of the different parts of the building creates an adapted volumetry that does not compete with the environment, respects it and finds its own identity at the same time.
The building in its conception, the form and the materials that make it up are related to the environment always in a key of integration.
Predominantly the use ofmaterialswhich are callednoblelike stone, steel, glass. Textures contribute to the clarity, simplicity and direct message of the project.
The typology of the building is very conditioned in its structure by the presence of vehicles in its dimensions.
thebig lightsplanned, heights and thicknesses of the slabs are a heritage received by the museum for its content and which affects the continent.
In this case the lights between pillars of about 8x8m and the free heights of 4m with slabs of up to 1m of edge are the result of pre-dimensioning.
The building will consist of facades of closing walls with an insulation complying with the energy regulations with practicable windows in the open communal spaces.
In the outer part of these facade walls onestainless steel architectural meshit provides light control and solar protection, it brings intimacy to interior spaces and gives a unified image at project level.
The interior spaces are made up of largemodular panels,some mobile, some interrelated or reconfigurable and others made of construction, "placo" or glass to configure the areas and the circulations and uses of the private, public, exhibition and circulation and service spaces.
On the last floor of the roof, the placement ofsolar panelsand the location of the building's facilities in its final executive calculation.