Interior renovation of a terraced house in Sispony

Zona d'estar amb llar de foc incorporada

Vista general des de la cuina

Estat previ a la reforma

Zona d'estar amb llar de foc incorporada
Holder; private
Year; 2015
Approximate surface area; 150 m2
Project completed and completed
The project consists of the interior reform of P1 of the house and of the loft of the same.
Practically the entire interior of the house is demolished, to change a marked old image, for a new image that provides an absolute renovation of the whole.
The existing fireplace is completely demolished, and a completely new, corner fireplace is enabled. This fireplace will be incorporated into a piece of plasterboard furniture, which will also integrate a hanging TV.
The reform has been used to improve the energy performance of the house by significantly improving the closures of the house, both in terms of the blind parts and the windows.